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What's Your Favorite Morning Ritual?

I have to be honest, my favorite morning ritual is my coffee from a certain local coffee shop in which I should seriously buy stock (Summer Moon). In this case my morning ritual has perhaps turned into a morning addiction. But equally as life giving to me (and probably actually much better for my body) is my regular yoga practice.

Starting April 29 you will have two additional opportunities each week to build a healing and life-giving practice into your daily life with our newest instructor, Dr. Jodi Ashbrook. Jodi is a multi-faceted gem of an instructor with expertise in both higher education and yoga. She comes to us from Boston where she owned and operated her own yoga studio. She makes her debut in Frisco teaching several classes and events exclusively at The Sacred Space. Join her for Ritual Yoga on Monday nights at 7 pm (for a $5 cash community class) or Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am. She will also be hosting a super fun girl's night out, teaching DIY essential oil candle making and meditation.

This event will occur on Saturday May 25 at 10 am.

Click here to learn more.

Ritual Yoga: Moving with Intention and Inspiration

Ritual: any act done regularly, usually without thinking about it.Make this class your weekly habit, something you crave which steers you in a positive direction. The essence of yoga is the patient marriage of body and spirit. The word yoga is Sanskrit for union. At Ritual, we celebrate this union. The union of breath and movement; the union of body and spirit. The daily practice of coming to your mat to unite the body and soul is the foundation of Ritual Yoga.Ritual Yoga is more than just physical exercise, it is an entire body experience. One that requires being in the present moment, moving with purpose, and connecting at a deeper mental, physical and spiritual level.Experience a calming pace, intentional movement, and inspirational guidance.This class will guide you through deepening levels of breath, yoga postures, self-awareness, and an exploration of the body, mind and spirit.The physical postures will be taught, enhanced and refined, so this class is appropriate for practitioners of all levels from students who are taking their first class to students who have been practicing for years.

Visit our schedule page to sign up for one of these classes.


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