9281 4th Street
Frisco, Texas
Bungalow and Yoga Studio
(much more than your average Airbnb)
Become a Yoga Instructor or Advanced Instructor through 200 or 300 Hour
Yoga Teacher Training
(Facilitated by Shannon Caldwell of Purple Lotus Yoga)
Trainings one weekend a month, 9:30 am -5:30 pm,
Saturday and Sunday
2019 dates:
200 Hour Teacher Training Weekends:
Sept 7-8
Oct 5-6
Nov 2-3
Dec 7-8
Jan 11-12
Feb 8-9
Mar 7-8
Meeting times are 9:30-5:30, Saturday and Sunday
The non-traditional revolution started at Purple Lotus
If you’ve taken yoga in any north Texas yoga studio, chances are good you’ve taken from a Purple Lotus trained teacher.
Shannon Caldwell facilitates the oldest Yoga Alliance approved program in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. She has more than 10,000 hours of teaching yoga, and for 13 years, she has been mentoring, educating and certifying teachers, many of whom have gone on to start their own studios, teacher training programs and other yoga related businesses.
You can be a non-traditional teacher too
While knowledge of the postures is the first step in becoming a skilled instructor, it’s not the only one. (And just because someone else CAN do all the cirque-like poses doesn’t mean they’d be a good teacher.) The goal of this teacher training is to support you and show you that everything you need to be an amazing advanced teacher is already within you. Perhaps you don’t have all the tools yet. It’s our job to show you which tools you need and how to use them properly.
We believe that if you have the desire to cultivate your advanced skills as a yoga teacher, the door should be open regardless of your flexibility, where you’ve been practicing yoga or how “beautiful your practice” is or isn’t.
It’s not about the yoga voice, Sanskrit-fluency or even wearing size 2 fancy pants….it’s about how the participants feel during and after class.