9281 4th Street
Frisco, Texas
Bungalow and Yoga Studio
(much more than your average Airbnb)
"I have finished my training...
Now what?"
Build your own business here at a Sacred Space
So you have finished your Yoga Teacher Training, your Massage Therapy certification, your Reiki Level 3 training, your Personal Trainer or Life Coaching certification etc etc and you are thinking, "Now what?" So you update your resume and start knocking on the door of every studio in town hoping someone will hire you and actually pay you a decent wage. Believe me, I have been there. My first yoga gig at another studio I worked for 3 months with no pay and when I finally politely asked for my paycheck (which was over $600), I was asked to leave. Apparently this is a thing. I found out later that I wasn't the only victim of this kind of exploitive labor practices. It is unfortunately a hard world out there, and the worst thing in this business is when someone brings their heart and their passions to the table to help others, and it either falls flat, is not properly valued, or at worst is exploited. It can leave you feeling disenchanted with the profession and we lose another valuable service to our community.
Or maybe you are burned out from working many years in this field. You are tired of following a formulaic version of your craft and would like to branch out creatively and become a fine tuned expert in what makes you come alive. You want the freedom to do so, to be your own boss and you want the rewards that business ownership brings, namely, keeping your profits while following your own path in authenticity.
I have been approached for years since owning this Sacred Space by wellness professionals wanting to build a following doing what they love and sharing their passions. I get calls at least twice a month asking to visit the studio and talk about options for starting a class here, renting the space for their clients' body work or even renting a place just to practice yoga in a therapeutic and private setting. We are now offering this to Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Body Workers, Low-Impact Fitness Instructors, or any other health and wellness professionals who would like to host their clients in an energetically uplifting space in order to transform their clients and make a fair and living wage doing what they love.
If I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times, when someone comes into my studio they are struck by the good vibes they feel in this special place. My intention has always been healing and transformation and you feel it the moment you step inside. Our property is also on the highest elevation in Frisco, on a half acre of historical land in downtown. It is a quaint, unique and beautiful space you will be proud to introduce to your clients. See our gallery here.
You might ask, "How do I get started?"
For the cost of a monthly gym membership, you may purchase our Studio Subscription which includes a discounted 5 hours a month to rent the entire studio (for 6 month contract).